Our Limited Dental Treatment Warranty

Due to the confidence that we have in our team, equipment, materials, lab and service, we stand behind our work through the following warranty.

Dental Treatment Warranty

Our team of dentists in Maple Ridge BC is proud of the dentistry we provide for you and are confident of the durability of our treatment. Our goal is to not just correct any dental problems you may have, but to show you how to prevent dental problems in the future and to save you time and unnecessary expense. The long-term success of the dental treatment we provide for you depends upon how well you take care of your teeth, your continuing home care of your teeth and gums, regular professional exams, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. The products recommended by us for you and the frequency of those professional continuing care visits depends on your individual condition. With that in mind, we are pleased to offer you the following limited dental treatment warranty.

Composite Bonding of Fillings

For composite (tooth coloured) bonding or filling restorations, we will replace or repair them in the event of failure for a period of two years from the date of their initial placement.

Dental Sealants

Sealants are plastic coatings placed on the chewing surfaces of the teeth to prevent decay in the pits and grooves. These are the most common areas to get cavities. Floss and the use of fluoride after their initial placement will help prevent decay between the teeth. We will repair or replace any of our sealants that fracture or break for a period of 18 months from the date of their initial placement.

Crowns, Bridges, Inlays, Onlays and Porcelain VeneersIf these porcelain restorations fracture with normal use during a period of two years from the date of their initial placement, we will replace or repair them at no additional cost.

Teeth Whitening

Immediately after your whitening treatment if your measured shade of whitening does not increase by at least two shades on the anterior teeth, we will at our option refund your whitening fee or provide another series of treatments.


To keep this warranty valid, you must:

  • Keep your prescribed regular continuing care appointments varying with no appointment varying more than 30 days off our recommended schedule.
  • Maintain your account in good standing.
  • Have all ideal recommended dental treatment performed by Cedar Ridge Dental with the exception of treatment that is recommended elsewhere by our office. This warranty does not cover procedures not mentioned above, including gum line desensitization, night guards, nor does it cover damage to teeth or dental prosthesis cause by trauma, accidents, abuse, neglect or improper use ( e.g. clenching, grinding, chewing ice, or biting on non-food items)